This series is called Three Roads because it was all photographed within a three road radius of my home. The story of why is deeply personal but ultimately full of love and hope. Each image comes with a small part of the narrative in the description.
All the pieces are 1/1s and valued at 0.15 ETH and each collector is offered a high res jpeg of their NFT.
Before Covid and lockdowns, I had a mental health crisis that caused a self-imposed isolation. Anxiety and depression meant that I didn’t feel able to be far from my home. I had to force myself to walk around the block with my camera and take pictures. I restricted myself to shooting within a three road radius of my home. At first, I was just taking pictures of anything but I started noticing details on the streets that struck me as odd or even made me smile. By focusing on these small “insignificant” things, I was able to figure out what was going on in my head.
I was unconsciously photographing locks, gates, bars, chains, fences and discarded things. This is how I felt inside. Three Roads is a journey into my mind as it was unraveling and on the road to recovery. Each one comes with a small part of my story.
These photographs set me free. The collection is 30 images all 1/1 editions. Click on the individual images for more a more information about it.
Part One
The images reflect the deep sadness and despair I felt during this time of my life but ultimately, it is a story of love and hope.

#2 Chain

#3 Locked

#4 Sofa

#5 Circus

#6 Anarchy

#7 Keep Out

#8 Box

#9 Barrier

#10 Chairs

#11 Hydrant

#12 Tape
Part 3
Recovery, discovery and hope. Finding myself again. Rediscovering joy. Forgiving myself and others.

#13 Eggs

#14 Pipes

#15 Stop

#16 Love

#17 Twenty One

#18 Hope
Part 4
The road to strength and finding my superpowers.

#19 Jungle

#20 Gate

#21 Window

#22 Green

#23 Shutters

#24 Doorway
Part 5
Onwards and upwards. Going through struggles can make you stronger.

#25 Look Up

#26 Flight

#27 Cat

#28 Barbed

#29 Fragile